A photojournalist wins a prestigious international award for his work on covering the civil war in Myanmar

A photojournalist wins a prestigious international award for his work on covering the civil war in Myanmar

A photojournalist, Siegfried Modola, has won a prestigious international award for his work covering the civil war in Myanmar. His award winning photo essay was published in the Globe and Mail, a Canada based news company.
A photojournalist wins a prestigious international award for his work on covering the civil war in Myanmar

“A photojournalist, Siegfried Modola, has won a prestigious international award for his work covering the civil war in Myanmar, according to the Globe and Mail report.

It’s not easy because of the major stories around the world, Ukraine and everything else,” he said in a phone interview Sunday. “Myanmar is a little bit of a forgotten conflict.” Seigfried Modala told the Globe and Mail.

The photo essay is a gripping portrayal of life and the relentless battles unfolding within Myanmar's Karenni state. This compelling visual narrative isn't confined within frames, but flows beyond, sketching vivid pictures of existence amidst strife.

Highlighting the realm of struggle, these images echo the resilience and endurance of the people defence forces (PDF) in Myanmar. They narrate an untold tale of lives navigating through the turbulence of conflict, recording the intricate tapestry of raw emotions and realities that the Karenni people face.

Visa d'or News Award is considered to be one of the most prestigious award comes with the prize of €8,000.

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A photojournalist, Siegfried Modola, has won a prestigious international award for his work covering the civil war in Myanmar. His award winning photo essay was published in the Globe and Mail, a Canada based news company.https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/64f09a9491a5b2230a3c612b/65003d161c0b1257a05f339b_377691866_719277763578223_516162773968398846_n.jpg